Select a country to see the corresponding fines
Use the map below to check the different fines across EU countries. Avoid costly consequences by planning your Tachograph Retrofit or book an appointment with a Service Centre today!
Understanding the financial risks of non-compliance with EU regulations is essential. Our tool provides a clear overview of the fines imposed by different EU countries when organizations or drivers fail to meet legal requirements. Stay informed about the penalties in your operating regions and take action to avoid costly consequences.
Use the map below to check the different fines across EU countries. Avoid costly consequences by planning your Tachograph Retrofit or book an appointment with a Service Centre today!
As the 2025 deadline approaches, ensuring compliance with the latest regulations is crucial. Across Europe, the demand for tachograph retrofits is skyrocketing, leading to scheduling delays at workshops. To avoid these challenges, Stoneridge advises you to plan your retrofitting projects early. By coordinating these upgrades with your regular maintenance or inspections, you can minimize downtime and keep your fleet running smoothly. If you operate internationally and have yet to plan your Smart 2 tachograph upgrade, now is the time to take action.