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Tachograph calibration – what are the rules?

If you're a driver or fleet manager, understanding tachograph calibration is essential. Not only does it ensure compliance with EU regulations, but it also helps maintain accurate records of driving and rest times. We’ll cover everything you need to know about tachograph calibration, from the rules to the different processes for tachographs.

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28 January 2025
Retrofit your tachograph - from 1C to Smart 2

Is your fleet compliant yet? By August 19, 2025, all international transport vehicles equipped with first-generation Smart 1 tachographs must upgrade to the second-generation Smart 2 tachograph. This regulation is part of the EU Mobility Package. The aim of this package is to enhance road safety, improve working conditions for drivers, and ensure fair competition in the transport sector. Make sure you are compliant and schedule your retrofit with Stoneridge today.

12 December 2024
Why truck drivers are the heroes of the road

Have you ever heard of truck driver appreciation day (or week)? This is a day dedicated to celebrating all professional truck drivers who make sacrifices every day to ensure goods and resources travel safely to their destination.

26 November 2024
Retrofitting the Smart 2 Tachograph: what you need to know

The new tachograph legislation is part of the EU Mobility Package, aimed at improving social conditions for drivers, increasing road safety and offering equal access to the European markets. This new legislation makes it mandatory for all commercial vehicles over 3.5 tons to have a Smart 2 tachograph installed for continued traffic to and / or between European countries. This is everything you need to know about the retrofit!

04 November 2024
Stoneridge Presents SE5000 Smart 2 Tachograph at Fomco Trade Seminar

Fomco Trade, the official Stoneridge importer in Romania, hosted a seminar in Sovata, where Account Manager Timo Kube represented Stoneridge and showcased the SE5000 Smart 2 tachograph. The meeting was attended by over 35 prominent tachograph workshops and partners from across Romania, making it an ideal opportunity to share the latest information with this local Stoneridge network, which serves end users in the country.

29 August 2024
Still Using an Analog or 1B Digital Tachograph?

As the EU Mobility Package deadline approaches, it’s essential to ensure your fleet’s tachographs meet the new regulations. By December 31, 2024, all analogue and 1b tachographs must be retrofitted to the latest Smart 2 Tachograph to avoid fines and disruptions!

01 August 2024
This is what you need to know about the Smart 2 tachograph

Are you compliant with the EU mobility package yet? This package contains a set of rules and regulations to ensure safe transport, along with a specific timeline  for retrofitting your fleet to meet these new legislations. The timeline is already counting down, with the next deadline set for the end of 2024: all trucks involved in international transport using an analogue or 1B digital tachograph must be retrofitted with a Smart 2 tachograph.

Stoneridge Tachographs - SE5000 Smart 2
21 June 2024
Learn about the new features of the SE5000 Smart 2 Tachograph

Do you want to know how to operate our Smart 2 tachograph? With the introduction, there are also many new and advanced features added. Features for fleet managers, but also many features that make driving a little easier. In this new video, we highlight the three main features you should be aware of.

21 May 2024
Navigate the Mobility Package with the SE5000 Smart 2 Tachograph

To effectively monitor and access the new regulations, the EU mandates the use of the second generation of Smart tachographs, known as the Smart 2. Watch our video or keep reading to discover what the Mobility Package will mean to you and your fleet.

31 March 2024
Only 3 quarters left to retrofit

The first quarter of 2024 is already behind us. As time goes on, it's crucial to stay ahead of the game, especially with the approaching deadlines of the Mobility Package. Have you already retrofitted your fleet? If not, now's the time to act.


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